Home » Art Projects Based On Famous Artists » Monet Water Lilies Art Lesson For Kids

Monet Water Lilies Art Lesson For Kids

Do you love the look of impressionism and want an easy art lesson for your children? Any aged child can use his work as inspiration to create this fun water lilies art lesson.

2 art projects with tissue paper of water lilies on shiplap.

Young children will love this project because the background is super fun to make. This will help them feel like they can’t do it wrong. We always love it when art projects help build confidence.

We love using historical artists as inspiration for our art projects. While we don’t like just making copies of masterpieces, famous artworks can be a great jumping-off point for art lessons.

If you are looking for more ways to teach art history, check out our Klimt Tree of Life painting idea or our folk art-inspired landscapes that glow in the dark.

Supplies you’ll need

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  • Blue, Violet, Green Bleeding Tissue Paper
  • Homemade Glue Mixture
  • 9 x 12″ Tagboard or Heavy White Drawing Paper
  • Large Paint Brush
  • Oil Pastels (green, black or blue)
  • Magenta, Violet and White Tempera Paint
  • Paper Plate, Tray or Palette

More About Materials

glue bottle, tempera paint, oil pastels, white drawing paper and tissue paper squares on table.
  • Cool Colored (blue, violet, green) Bleeding Tissue Paper: for the easiest use with younger children precut it into 1″ x 1″ squares
  • Glue Water Mixture: 1:1 ratio of glue mixed with water in a small container
  • Oil Pastels (green and black or blue)
  • We recommend using Premier Crayola Tempera paint so that get enough contrast from your tissue paper background. We tried using the washable finger paint and didn’t seem to make our water lilies stand out enough.
  • Paintbrush

Claude Monet Resources To Use

Ideas To Modify This Art Lesson

  • NO GLUE – Don’t use glue and water to apply tissue paper. You can get an awesome effect by just painting water on top of tissue bleeding tissue paper for your background. Once the paper dries you remove it.
  • COLLAGE WATER LILIES ON – Create water lilies out of construction paper inside of drawing them on.
  • CREATE TEXTURE – Add textured water lilies by wrapping tissue paper around a pencil tip and gluing on.

How Long Does This Lesson Take

If you are doing this project in a classroom setting, it will take 3-4 40-minute classes. If you are doing it at home, it can take up to 1 hour to complete.

Water Lily Art Project Tutorial

collage of steps involved in tissue paper water lily art.

Before You Begin

Discuss and analyze his work with children. One of the things children find most interesting is the sheer size of some of his paintings. This website shows images of him standing with his Water Lily Paintings.

Step 1: Fill White Paper With Bleeding Tissue Paper

To do this, you will put a 1″ x 1″ square of tissue paper on a piece of paper and paint the glue water mixture over it. Keep repeating this and overlapping different colors until the whole paper is full.

hand holding paintbrush adding glue water mixture over tissue paper squares.

It can be difficult for kids to keep the paper completely flat, but encourage them to dab, dab, stroke, stroke over the paper and leave it once it is on. We talk more about painting with bleeding tissue paper here.

zoomed in view of bleeding tissue paper in green, purple and blue mixing together with brush painting water on.

Step 2: Let Paper Fully Dry

The tissue paper collage will probably be pretty wet and will take a while to dry.

white paper with painted tissue paper on it on art table.
The colors of bleeding tissue paper will continue to blend together as it dries.

Step 3: Paint Water Lily Flowers

Use pink, purple and white tempera or acrylic paint on a tray. Dip your brush into 2 of colors and create repeated curved lines for each water lily flower.

Do not give children water to rinse their brushes in between. You want the colors to mix naturally.

paintbrush dipped in pink adn white paint adding water lily to tissue paper collage.
Encourage children to leave the texture of the brushstrokes for a nice effect.

We recommend creating at least three different flowers in various sizes to help make the foreground, middle ground, and background.

3 different water lilies painted on cool tissue paper collage.
If the painting does not have enough contrast, you can add a second coat of paint once it dries or use pink and purple oil pastels.

Step 4: Let Dry

Step 5: Draw Lily Pads With Green Oil Pastels

With green oil pastels, create organic shapes around your painted lily flowers. Blending a little black or blue on the edge of your lily pad will also make it stand out.

two different collages with water lilies.

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Art Lesson FAQs

When painting with bleeding tissue paper, should you use square tissue paper or rip it for the best results?

Pre-cut squares are easier for children to use. However, this project looks better if you rip the bleeding tissue paper to create more organic shapes.

Does the glue and water mixture have to be measured out?

No, you can eyeball the mixture, trying to get a 1:1 or 1/2 water and 1/2 glue. You can probably even get away with 1/3 glue and 2/3s water, depending on the glue you are using.

Remember that all kid art projects should be open for interpretation and encourage each child to put their spin on creating their masterpiece.

Do you like this art project? Please give us 5 stars below 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 and have fun being creative with your family.

Monet Water Lily Art Lesson

Use Monet's artworks as inspiration for this art lesson for kids.
Print Tutorial
cool tissue paper collage with water lilies painted and drawn on.
Prep:10 minutes
Total Time:10 minutes


  • Paper Plate, Tray or Palette
  • Paintbrush



  • Create a tissue paper collage with cool-colored bleeding tissue paper and glue/water mixture. Fill the whole page with overlapping shapes.
  • Let the background fully dry.
  • Use pink, purple and white tempera or acrylic paint on a tray. Dip your brush into 2 colors and create repeated curved lines for each waterlily flower.
  • Let paint fully dry.
  • Create organic shapes with green oil pastels around your painted lily flowers. Blend a little black or blue on the edge of your lily pad to help it stand out.


  • It can be difficult for kids to keep the paper completely flat when collaging the tissue paper. Encourage them to dab, dab, stroke, stroke over the paper and leave it once it is on.
  • We recommend creating at least 3 different water lilies in various sizes to help show foreground, middle ground and background.
  • If there is not enough contrast between your water lilies and background, you can add a second coat of paint once the painting dries or use pink and purple oil pastels.
Author: Erin Nutter
Cost: under $5

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