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Easy Egg Carton Caterpillar Craft For Preschoolers

This egg carton caterpillar is the perfect way to use materials you probably already have at home. Kids can make yours like the Hungry Caterpillar or just design a colorful, creative egg carton caterpillar.

red and green painted egg carton caterpillar craft with googly eyes and pipe cleaner.

Springtime is the perfect time for kids to create their own caterpillars. With just a little bit of help, preschoolers and kids of all ages can have so much fun creating a recyclable egg carton craft.

Supplies You’ll Need

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  • Pre-Cut Egg Crates (1/2 of a cardboard one)
  • Googly Eyes
  • Tempera Paint or Acrylic Paint*
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Scissors
  • Glue Bottle (if the googly eyes aren’t sticky)
  • Large Paint Brush

*We only used green and red tempera paint since we were reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar book by Eric Carle.

If you only are making one caterpillar consider using the other side to make these easy egg carton turtles, a bird mask craft, or use another one to make this fun egg carton butterfly!

Adult Prep

Before early learners can make this fun craft, an adult needs to help cut the body of the caterpillar from the egg cartons.

Step 1: Cut Box In Half

Remove the top of the egg carton. You may want to save the extra lid to put the paint in.

scissors cutting an egg carton apart.

Step 2: Cut The Egg Carrier

You are going to need six bumps for your caterpillar. Cut your egg carton carrier part in half. We found that flipping over our “cardboard” carrier made it easier to cut.

scissors cutting an egg carton in half.

Step 3: Remove Excess From The Sides

You may have to cut the edges of your caterpillar bodies.

scissors cutting part of brown egg carton.

Egg Carton Caterpillar Tutorial

Step 1: Paint The Body and Face

You can use Very Hungry Caterpillar colors or your own colors. The finished preschool project used yellow mixed with green for the body and red on the face.

part of a cardboard egg carton with paint brush and green paint on it.

Step 2: Let Dry

Step 3: Glue On Eyes

orange glue bottle cap adding glue to the back of a googly eye.

Step 4: Poke Hole On Top Of The Head

Use a pen or tip of scissors to poke a small hole in the top of the head.

hole poke in painted egg carton caterpillar.

Step 5: Make Antannae

Cut a normal-sized pipe cleaner in half. Twist the bottom together.

hand holding twisted pipe cleaner.

Step 6: Add Antennae

Stick the twisted pipe cleaner through the head of the caterpillar.

Optional Step: Add Vowels

If you are working on learning the vowels then this is a great addition to your caterpillar. Add a,e,i,o,u to the 5 parts of the hungry caterpillar body.

hand holding a on cut out paper with egg carton caterpillar in the background.

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We just think this egg carton caterpillar is so adorable!

green and red painted egg carton caterpillar craft.

More Easy Crafts For Kids

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Egg Carton Caterpillar

Preschoolers can make their very own hungry egg carton caterpillar craft.
Print Tutorial
red and green painted egg carton caterpillar craft with googly eyes and pipe cleaner.
Prep:5 minutes
Creating:15 minutes
Dry Time:15 minutes
Total Time:35 minutes


  • Scissors for adults to cut egg carton
  • Glue Bottle if googly eyes are not stickers


  • Pre-Cut Egg Carton 1/2 of a cardboard one
  • Tempera Paint we only used green mixed with yellow and red since we were talking about the Very Hungry Caterpillar
  • Paint brush
  • Googly Eyes
  • 1/2 piece Pipe Cleaner


Prep Egg Carton

  • Cut cardboard egg carton in half and so it can sit nicely on a table.

Making Your Caterpillar

  • Use tempera paint to paint the body and face. You can mix colors or use colors like the Very Hungry Caterpillar.
  • Let the painted egg carton fully dry.
  • Glue on googly eyes. You can also draw on a mouth or other details.
  • An adult should poke a hole in the top of the head.
  • Twist pipe cleaner in half at the bottom to make two anntanae.
  • Poke twisted pipe cleaner in the hole in the head.


  • You can add feet with paper of pipe cleaners.
  • If studying the vowels in preschool, you could as a,e,i,o,u paper cut-outs on top of the caterpillar to help reinforce that concept.
Author: Erin Nutter
Cost: under $5

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