Home ยป Drawing Ideas ยป How To Make A Simple Snowflake Drawing

How To Make A Simple Snowflake Drawing

Snowflakes are the perfect winter subject matter. Once you get the hang of drawing one, you can make infinite snowflake drawings all year long. 

snowflake drawing with blue watercolor paint on wood table.

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The best part of drawing or making a paper snowflake is that they can have different designs every time you make them. Have fun making gorgeous snowflakes all Winter season.

Whether you want a simple line drawing, a cartoon snowflake, or a more complex & detailed snowflake drawing, you can use our basic step-by-step instructions to help make a creative snowflake of your own.

Snowflake Design Ideas

Recommended Supplies

  • Paper (we used 9 x 12″ 90 lb. white drawing paper)
  • Pencil
  • Ruler

Optional Supplies

  • Permanent Marker or Pen
  • Coloring Materials Of Your Choice-we chose to outline our snowflake with black, color with white crayon and paint the background for a fun watercolor paint resist. You can do anything you want with your snowflake drawing!

Need More Fun Drawing Ideas? Use the same simple drawing materials to create this easy black-and-white Op Art drawing.

Easy Snowflake Drawing With Simple Steps

Before you begin

Make sure you light sketch your pencil lines. You may not want to keep all the guide lines you sketch at first.

Step 1: Draw A Vertical Line

All your lines will be of similar size. The first line you want to draw is just straight up and down. We made our lines 7″ long.

hand holding ruler to make vertical line.
You can choose to use a ruler to help measure the lines and make them straight. You can also freehand them.

Step 2: Mark The Center Of The Line

Put a small circle or dot on the line as close to the middle as you can.

hand holding pencil and marking dot on the line.
Putting a dot at 3 1/2 inches.

Step 3: Draw A Flatter X In the Middle To Create Six Lines To Work With

Draw one diagonal straight line that intersects with the dot.

diagonal line on paper with straight vertical line.

Add another line on the opposite side that is equal distance to create your x.

hand holding ruler to draw diagonal line.
Using a ruler helps you to line up the middle intersection point at 3 1/2″.

Your goal is to try to make six equal sections with the extra lines. You can even tell kids that you are trying to make every piece of pizza to be the same size.

If you want to really precise, you could use a compass to make sure that all the angles are equal. We are fine with ours not being 100% symmetrical.

Step 3: Design Your Middle Of The Snowflake By Repeating The Same Line

You could use a simple curved line, “v” line or straight line.

vertical line with x over it on white paper.

These lines will connect to each other to make a fun symmetrical shape.

center of snowflake sketch lightly on white paper.

Step 4: Create More Symmetrical Designs

To help understand this concept, you can look at real snowflakes from scientific places like.

more lines added to snowflake design.

Optional: Trace Around Lines

If tracing around a line design, you can create a thicker design by tracing on both sides.

black marker tracing around snowflake drawing on white paper.

Step 5: Repeat A Basic Shape In The Inside

You can add a fun diamond, or triangular shape inside of each one. 

snowflake drawing outlined with black marker.

Step 6: Erase Extra Lines

Erase your sketch lines after outlining.

hand holding pencil upside down to erase pencil lines on snowflake drawing.

Step 7: Add Color

You can choose to use white crayons on the inside, trace with markers of different colors or just leave the drawing as is. Just have fun when making your drawing of a snowflake. You can see how we did an oil pastel resist with watercolor in this post.

hand adding blue watercolor paint to snowflake drawing.

Tips For Making Simple Snowflake Designs

  • Start with adding lines and shapes to the existing 6 intersecting lines.
  • Wherever you add something, you have to do it in the same spot. Don’t worry if you are not completely accurate, your snowflake drawing will still look cool.
  • Try creating snowflakes on black paper with white drawing material (oil pastels, crayons or a white colored pencil)
  • Consider using lines, dots, and basic shapes to complete your drawing.
  • Younger kids can add short lines and small dots to create their snowflake shape

More Awesome Snowflakes

Here are some different ways we created hand-drawn snowflake doodles. You can see angled lines, series of circles, and our own designs.

different six-sided snowflake designs.

Snowflake Drawing FAQs

What is the pattern of snowflakes?

Snowflakes are hexagonal or six-sided in shape. The ice crystals form patterns in a radial symmetry way. 

What is the easiest way to draw a unique snowflake?

You need to sketch lines to create 6 different sections to work from. Your goal is to have a six-sided snowflake with symmetry coming from the center point.

What if I am having trouble making a “flatter” X?

Try starting with drawing the “x” and then adding a horizontal line touching the middle.

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Draw Easy Snowflakes

Learn how to create simple snowflake drawings.
Print Tutorial
snowflake drawing with blue watercolor paint on wood table.
Creating:10 minutes
Total Time:10 minutes


  • Pencil
  • Ruler Optional: You can also draw by free hand.
  • Pen


  • White Paper


  • 1 White Oil Pastel
  • Blue Watercolor Paint


  • Draw vertical line.
  • Put a dot at the halfway point on the line.
  • Create 6 equal sections by drawing two diagonal lines that intersect at the middle dot.
  • Design the middle of your snowflake by repeating the same line in each section.
  • Continue to create symmetrcial designs by repeating lines and shapes in the same spot in each of the six sections.
  • Optional: Trace around the snowflake and lines with a marker. Erase extra pencil lines.


  • Look at real snowflakes for inspiration. 
  • Use simple lines and shapes to help create your six-sided sketch
  • Sketch lightly with your pencil because you may not keep all lines you draw.
  • Using a ruler can help you set up your six sections as equally as possible.
  • You can still have a fun snowflake drawing even if you eyeball it and it is not perfect.
Author: Erin Nutter
Cost: under $5

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