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Easy Stamping & Printmaking Art For Preschoolers

This simple stamping & printmaking heart art project is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers. Kids will love learning how to paint in a new way!

white, orange and pink circles stamped on black paper to make heart shapes.

This easy painting idea is excellent for Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day. Your preschoolers or young children will be very proud of what they create.

Why You Will Love This Stamping Art Project

  • KID FRIENDLY – This art process is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.
  • CHOOSE A COLOR SCHEME– You can do this heart art on any colored paper and with any colored paints.
  • FUN PROCESS ART – There is no wrong way to do this process art. This is an excellent introduction to printing or stamping shapes.

Supplies You’ll Need

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  • Empty Toilet Paper Roll or cup
  • Construction Paper
  • Acrylic or Tempera Paint
  • Paper Plate
  • Optional: Q-Tip
black construction paper, cups and paint on a table.

ART TEACHER TIP – The most challenging part of this whole process is making sure children do not smear the paint once it is printed.

Stamped Preschool Art Tutorial

BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Decide if the paint will be inside or outside the heart. We will show you two examples at the end of this post. You may also want to check out this other cool heart printmaking art idea!

two hearts drawn in white crayon black papers.

Step 1: Draw Hearts

An adult may want to sketch the hearts for young children using a white crayon on black paper.

hand holding a cup placing white circle stamps on black paper.

Step 2: Dip Into The Paint

Stamp the cup into a paint color on a paper plate of flat surface and then on the outside of the heart or in the inside of the heart.

hand printing white circles around a heart on black paper.

Step 3: Continue Prints

Carefully stamp the painted side onto paper. Lightly rocking the tube or cup back and forth might help print the whole circular shape.

hand using Q-tip to add extra pink dots of paint.

Step 4: Repeat With Different Colors

Overlap different colored circles to complete your art.

OPTIONAL: Use a Q-tip & paint to outline the heart.

stamped heart project for kids on black paper.


  • Start with the lightest color or have multiple toilet paper rolls to work with.
  • Model how to stamp the cup and not drag it across the paper.
  • Have fun making multiple prints in no time at all.

Fill The Heart

In the image below, the paint was used to fill the heart shape instead of stamping around the heart.

colored circles painted on black paper in a heart shape.

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This easy heart stamping project is a great way to create colorful paints with your little ones. We can’t wait to see what your preschoolers or young children make.

More Preschool Approved Ideas

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Easy Preschool Stamping Art Project

Preschoolers and young children can create colorful heart art by stamping cups with different colors of paint.
Print Tutorial
colored circles painted on black paper in a heart shape.
Prep:5 minutes
Creating:10 minutes
Total Time:15 minutes


  • Paper Plate


  • Toilet Paper Roll or Dixie Cup
  • Craft Paint acrylic or tempera
  • Black Construction Paper


  • Draw a heart on a piece of black paper with a white crayon.
  • Dip a dixie cups edge into one color of paint.
  • Stamp the cup or toilet paper roll onto the paper.
  • Repeat with different colors to fill inside the heart or outside the heart by overlapping the circles.
  • Let the painting fully dry.
Author: Erin Nutter
Cost: under $5

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